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20 Day Streak Challenge----Who's in???????

Snow White
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20 Day Streak Challenge----Who's in??????? - Page 3 Empty Re: 20 Day Streak Challenge----Who's in???????

Post  mommieof2 Mon Jun 04, 2012 12:18 pm

Hello everyone.

KimiKat Welcome to the forum..

Snow white hang in there, your body was a burning machine the past few weeks and it's just hit a stable point I'm sure it will start up again.

As for me I did not stick to the diet over the weekend, as I was at the hospital and I ate when I could and didn't count calories.

So here is the stats

Day1 191.6
Day 2 190.2
Day 3 189.8
Day 4 189.2
Day 5 190.4 (that's a 1.2 lb gain.)
Day 6 & 7 I did not weigh myself
Day 8 190.2 so from friday till today I've lost .2 of a lb

Day 1 191.6
Day 8 190.2
loss to date 1.4lbs

I'm starting strong today so we will see what this week holds for me.

good luck everyone.

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20 Day Streak Challenge----Who's in??????? - Page 3 Empty Re: 20 Day Streak Challenge----Who's in???????

Post  kimikat3 Mon Jun 04, 2012 1:34 pm

Feeling Good for a Monday Morning!!!

Thanks for the welcoming Mommieof2... Hope your hospital visit was for anything too serious & and pray that you are having a speedy recovery!

Day 1: 211.9
Day 2: 209.7
Day 3: 208.8

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20 Day Streak Challenge----Who's in??????? - Page 3 Empty Re: 20 Day Streak Challenge----Who's in???????

Post  insanity Mon Jun 04, 2012 2:00 pm

kimikat3 - The more the merrier! Thanks for joining in.

ElleBella - Hope you and the little one are both feeling better.

Snow White - Hang in there!!! I think our bodies rebel by trying to hold on to our fat stores. Believe me, I know it's so hard, but stick to your plan. Your body will give up the weight.

mommieof2 - I'm sorry to hear you were in the hospital! I hope you're doing better now. (Edit: oops, after reading your journal I see why you were at the hospital. Hope she can come home soon!)

My progress:

Day 1 - 177
Day 2 - 175
Day 3 - 174
Day 4 - didn't weigh
Day 5 - 174

Loss on challenge: 3 lbs

Here's hoping we all have a great week!!!

Last edited by insanity on Mon Jun 04, 2012 5:51 pm; edited 1 time in total

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20 Day Streak Challenge----Who's in??????? - Page 3 Empty Re: 20 Day Streak Challenge----Who's in???????

Post  ElleBella Mon Jun 04, 2012 3:01 pm

Good Morning everyone,.. well depending on the coast.. hee hee

Today we are all better.. a bit of a 24 hour bug.. come and gone.. wahoo! Back to new auto shopping.. weeeeee
It almost time to send my little on her way to school.. Im just having a tea, then my work day starts.. Oh how I love working from home bounce

Everyone have a super duper day on plan today! You can do it! We can do it! Sleep no sleeping on the job! WARRIORS don't sleep.. lol!

day 1 203.3
day 2 200.3
day 3 199.9
day 4 did not WI
day 5 201.2
day 6 202.9
day 7 202.8 Wow a we bit of ... hee hee I'll take it!


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20 Day Streak Challenge----Who's in??????? - Page 3 Empty Re: 20 Day Streak Challenge----Who's in???????

Post  kimikat3 Tue Jun 05, 2012 1:20 pm

Quick weigh in this morning...

Day 1: 211.9
Day 2: 209.7
Day 3: 208.8
Day 4: 208.4

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20 Day Streak Challenge----Who's in??????? - Page 3 Empty Re: 20 Day Streak Challenge----Who's in???????

Post  ElleBella Tue Jun 05, 2012 4:56 pm

Kimi you are doing great every little bit help! Keep up the great work girl! cheers

Hi all.. ok day two back on 5 bite yehaaa

day 1 203.3
day 2 200.3
day 3 199.9
day 4 did not WI
day 5 201.2
day 6 202.9
day 7 202.8 Wow a we bit of ... hee hee I'll take it!
day 8 201.4

Yehaaa.. 1.4 down.. yaoooooo bounce

Alright all WARRIORS.. keep rocking it!

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20 Day Streak Challenge----Who's in??????? - Page 3 Empty Re: 20 Day Streak Challenge----Who's in???????

Post  insanity Tue Jun 05, 2012 8:15 pm

Day 1 - 177
Day 2 - 175
Day 3 - 174
Day 4 - didn't weigh
Day 5 - 174
Day 6 - 174

I'm jealous of your super-accurate scales! I've tried a couple of digital scales, which only read in increments of .5, and didn't seem to stay accurate for very long. I'm using a hand-me-down scale with a large dial and adjustable needle that I can reset to zero if it gets out of adjustment for whatever reason. I just measure in 1-lb increments. On the bright side, the bathroom floor in my house seems to be level and I have room to leave my scale sitting out. At my old place, the bathroom floor was very uneven and I had no room to leave my scale.

I expect I'll see a drop in weight soon, but since it's that TOM......... we all know how that goes.

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20 Day Streak Challenge----Who's in??????? - Page 3 Empty Re: 20 Day Streak Challenge----Who's in???????

Post  Snow White Tue Jun 05, 2012 9:27 pm

Insanity, you're doing great! I picked up a Weight Watchers scale at Target...I got the cheaper one and it is extremely accurate! I hate those dial scales...lean forward gain, lean back lose. I cheat too easily with those! Wink
Snow White
Snow White

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20 Day Streak Challenge----Who's in??????? - Page 3 Empty Re: 20 Day Streak Challenge----Who's in???????

Post  mommieof2 Tue Jun 05, 2012 11:10 pm

I did not weigh in today as you will see I am back at the hospital with my daughter. We will be here for about 3 days. I wished I could post a photo of her here even though she's sick she's still a little comedian. She was so dehydrated from vomiting and her fever being 104 that it took 3 times to get the iv in so she got some barbies and a coloring book with crayons I turn around and she has her foot up on the table and smiling ( just like her daddy when he's on the computer). Anyway I'm trying to stick to the plan here and get this weight off. You girls keep up the great work and I will keep fighting on my end to.

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20 Day Streak Challenge----Who's in??????? - Page 3 Empty Re: 20 Day Streak Challenge----Who's in???????

Post  ElleBella Tue Jun 05, 2012 11:49 pm

Mommyof2.. You poor things.. hugs on that .. you are doing steller.. your dd sounds so sweet.. You are in my prayers.. xo

Insanity.. the scale thing is all over the place.. I am not so sure my floor is so straight.. but it seams to be accurate.. I WI at dr office and it was the same.. funny how that works.. lol

Its just coming up dinner time..

today I ate well

B) egg and tea 3 bites
L) nothing.. was not hungry
D) meatloaf 3 bites and 2 bites steamed broccoli
as I have 2 bites left I just might have 2 bites a snickers bar?

My daughter is having fun doing a puzzel right now .. she was a bit sad as she did not well on her spelling test.. the pressure they put on these little ones to be perfect already is so frustrating .. her teacher gave her a.. well you better study harder talk.. arrrg.. I told her teacher that maybe she could have just said great job for trying.. hmmmm.. might grow securitity dont you think.. Oh well .. only 3 more weeks and they are out for a fun summer break! Very Happy

Ok.. off to make din din.. Have a super night all.. xo

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20 Day Streak Challenge----Who's in??????? - Page 3 Empty Re: 20 Day Streak Challenge----Who's in???????

Post  Snow White Tue Jun 05, 2012 11:56 pm

Sounds like everyone is doing great! Keep on going! You are all doing so very well! bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce
Snow White
Snow White

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20 Day Streak Challenge----Who's in??????? - Page 3 Empty Re: 20 Day Streak Challenge----Who's in???????

Post  ElleBella Tue Jun 05, 2012 11:59 pm

You 2 Sunshine! cheers

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20 Day Streak Challenge----Who's in??????? - Page 3 Empty Re: 20 Day Streak Challenge----Who's in???????

Post  kimikat3 Wed Jun 06, 2012 3:19 am

Random question for you all...
How did you adjust to not eating breakfast??? I have never been muh a breakfast person, but have always forced myself to eat something ( oatmeal... egg mcmuffin... Eggo waffles... Something). I'm findin now that I'm trying not to eat breakfast, I want it. I'm sure its a mental thing, more than a hunger thing... But idk how to get past it. I ate a yogurt yesterday and today just to get it out of my mind and allow myself to focus on work. I do drink two glasses of water first thing in the morning and through out the day. I'm not a coffee fan... Especially black (yikes). I LIVE black tea (unsweetened)...

I really want to succeed in this 20day challenge... But I'm starting to feel a bit discouraged...

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20 Day Streak Challenge----Who's in??????? - Page 3 Empty Re: 20 Day Streak Challenge----Who's in???????

Post  ElleBella Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:22 am

Do to my tummy issues I do eat breakfast.. I try to stay 5 bite but my dr is not liking it.. she wants more like 30 bites... 10 breakfast, 10 lunch , 10 dinner kind of thing.. with a pc of fruit in the morning and yogurt in the night.. lol.. I still lose as Im still way low on calories.. and I am kinda cheating with only take 5 bites.. but I am having some issues with meds so I will be eating a bit more..eeek

The Book says you can eat 10-15 bites a day.. or more if you have to .. but you will not lose as fast is all.. Eat 5 bites of breakfast and see how you feel .. you might still burn cals like mad..??

Cheers! Deb.. off to bed I go.. Sleep

I must admit..2lbs a week would make me happy.. as no lbs is what I was doing before.. cheers

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20 Day Streak Challenge----Who's in??????? - Page 3 Empty Re: 20 Day Streak Challenge----Who's in???????

Post  kimikat3 Wed Jun 06, 2012 12:06 pm

Good Wednesday Morning Y'all!!!

Day 1: 211.9
Day 2: 209.7
Day 3: 208.8
Day 4: 208.4
Day 5: 207.8

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20 Day Streak Challenge----Who's in??????? - Page 3 Empty Re: 20 Day Streak Challenge----Who's in???????

Post  insanity Wed Jun 06, 2012 3:43 pm

kimikat3 - I've done both breakfast and no breakfast in the past. I find it easier if I'm busy. Either way, I usually just fill up on no-calorie drinks like water and Coke Zero (can't stomach black coffee), although I have been drinking a large cup of tea with 2 tablespoons half-and-half lately for breakfast. It's only 40 calories and seems to help with the hunger. I also chew sugar-free gum sometimes if I'm feeling hungry. Usually any strong desire to eat will pass and I'll be fine for awhile, hopefully until lunch.

mommieof2 - Your daughter sounds so cool! What a trooper!!! You're both in my thoughts.

ElleBella - When I was doing strict 5 Bite, taking vitamins with such small meals bothered my stomach. I imagine real medicine could do the same. You'll still lose if you take a few extra bites. Very Happy

Tuesday, 6/5/12

Calories - 948
Tai Chi - 10 min
Walking - 30 min

I just took it easy to rest up and recover yesterday. I feel better today. I was pretty hungry most of yesterday. I had a 1pm meeting, so I ate some food at 11am, and the rest of my lunch after the meeting. I felt hungry most of the afternoon. As soon as I got home, I had a banana, then dinner shortly afterward. In the evening after dinner I had thoughts of eating extra food, but I'm glad I didn't. This challenge is helping me stick to my plan, so thanks Snow White for starting it, and thanks to everyone else for participating!

I was down to 173 today, yah!

Day 1 - 177
Day 2 - 175
Day 3 - 174
Day 4 - didn't weigh
Day 5 - 174
Day 6 - 174
Day 7 - 173

Last edited by insanity on Wed Jun 06, 2012 6:38 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Added today's weigh-in.)

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20 Day Streak Challenge----Who's in??????? - Page 3 Empty Re: 20 Day Streak Challenge----Who's in???????

Post  Snow White Wed Jun 06, 2012 4:09 pm

Kim, try having your black tea for breakfast if that's what you like. Sometimes I just have water and lot of times I have coffee with chocolate creamer, but I tend to do much better throughout the day if I just have something with no calories. I believe the Dr. is right that those first bites in the morning set the tone for your eating the whole day. I have never been a breakfast eater though, so that part wasn't hard to do.

My weight is going back down again and I can really tell a difference in my digestive system from replacing lunch with the bulletproof coffee and then doing a low carb 5 bite dinner.

Day 1 weight: 185.6
Day 10 weight: 183.2

total pounds lost on the challenge: 2.4

I'm really hoping that I can get this weight loss going again. Please see my journal b/c I need some advice about my mini-vacation this weekend!

Also, ladies we are half way through this challenge!!!!! Ten more days to go!!!! You can do it!!!!!! bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce
Snow White
Snow White

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20 Day Streak Challenge----Who's in??????? - Page 3 Empty Re: 20 Day Streak Challenge----Who's in???????

Post  kimikat3 Wed Jun 06, 2012 6:55 pm

Thanks for all of the suggestions!!! Everyone is doing so well on this!!! Makes even more excited!

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20 Day Streak Challenge----Who's in??????? - Page 3 Empty Re: 20 Day Streak Challenge----Who's in???????

Post  ElleBella Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:54 pm

Hi all, I have been in meetings all morning.. sorry this is short.. I will come back later to re-post..

day 1 203.3
day 2 200.3
day 3 199.9
day 4 did not WI
day 5 201.2
day 6 202.9
day 7 202.8 Wow a we bit of ... hee hee I'll take it!
day 8 201.4
day 9 200.4

Ok.. so up and down but 3lbs down in 9 days

cheers all!

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20 Day Streak Challenge----Who's in??????? - Page 3 Empty Re: 20 Day Streak Challenge----Who's in???????

Post  ElleBella Thu Jun 07, 2012 3:03 am

Yahooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Snow You did it.. back down you go.. wahoooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!! bounce bounce bounce bounce

Today I have eaten a full out day of food.. as per dr.. I had test done and they needed to see food in my tummy.. I admit it was harder than I thought.. I was full after about 7 bites and did not want more.. wow. its working.. but I am sure I will be up tomorrow.. lets hope not..lol

Hope you are all having a super day.. xo

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20 Day Streak Challenge----Who's in??????? - Page 3 Empty Re: 20 Day Streak Challenge----Who's in???????

Post  kimikat3 Thu Jun 07, 2012 3:43 am

EllaBella I feel exactly the same! After my five or six bites I'm usually good!

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20 Day Streak Challenge----Who's in??????? - Page 3 Empty Re: 20 Day Streak Challenge----Who's in???????

Post  ElleBella Thu Jun 07, 2012 4:49 am

Thank you girl.. Very Happy

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20 Day Streak Challenge----Who's in??????? - Page 3 Empty Re: 20 Day Streak Challenge----Who's in???????

Post  kimikat3 Thu Jun 07, 2012 12:53 pm

This mornings verdict...

Day 1: 211.9
Day 2: 209.7
Day 3: 208.8
Day 4: 208.4
Day 5: 207.8
Day 6: 207.0

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20 Day Streak Challenge----Who's in??????? - Page 3 Empty Re: 20 Day Streak Challenge----Who's in???????

Post  Snow White Thu Jun 07, 2012 6:20 pm

Day 1 weight:185.6
Day 11 weight: 181.9

3.7 pounds lost on the challenge

Well, it's taking me a while but the scale is moving down! bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce

Mini-vacation coming this weekend and sure hope I can keep losing...I'm afraid I'll blow it, but if I do I know what to do to get the scale moving in the right direction again.

Only 2 pounds to the 170s! I am soooooooooooooooo excited about that! ; ))))))))))))))))

Debbie, thanks so much for the encouragement and I hope you don't show a gain b/c of your test! Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink
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20 Day Streak Challenge----Who's in??????? - Page 3 Empty Re: 20 Day Streak Challenge----Who's in???????

Post  ElleBella Thu Jun 07, 2012 6:39 pm

Thank you so much honey.. you are welcome.. Yay for vacation.. You are going to do great!! Where are you going? 2 more lbs to 170's for you OMGoodness you are so geting there girl.. bounce bounce bounce cheers

I stayed the same today.. yay.. was surprised so I am sticking to plan like glue.. I have eaten 5 bites for breakfast.. and am now having a coke zero to fill my tummy as I am getting hungry..lol

My total since starting challenge is 3 lbs.. this is day 10 for me.. so lets see what the next 10 days bring

Everyone have a great day Basketball down we all go!

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